Pitch update

Listed below is the availability of pitches up to the 31st of August.
Weekends - 25th & 26th June - Full for all pitch types
2nd & 3rd July - Full for all pitch types
9th & 10th July - Full for all pitch types
From 16th July to 23rd July inclusive limited pitches for all types
24th July to 31st July Full for all pitch types
1st August to 22nd August inclusive limited non-electric pitches only
23rd August to 26th August inclusive limited pitches for all pitch types
27th August to 28th August inclusive - Full for all pitch types
If you wish to make a booking please book online.
Email us at admin@pittoncross.co.uk for inquiries or to discuss your booking, please quote your booking reference number.
The telephone is not accepting any recorded messages at the moment.
Thank you for being patient with us during this busy time.